After a flurry of last minute faffing, I put my blog live this afternoon.
It’s a long way from perfect, which irritates me!
The thing is, though, this isn’t my business launch; it’s a blog launch. I’ve got a whole business to set up. If I spend forever getting my blog perfect, I’ll never launch anything, and I’ll never have time to get my actual business sorted.
However, it does illustrate a fundamental rule of business, and indeed life. Doing something is always better than doing nothing. A zillion businesses have never seen the light of day either because the entrepreneur spent so long getting everything perfect that they ran out of money/time/steam, or because they were fully immobilised by the magnitude of what they had to do.
Baby steps are what’s needed. Every step forward, however imperfect, is a step nearer the goal. Obviously as long as it isn’t such a mess that it causes issues.
So, the things I’m not happy with:
- I updated my home page as I didn’t like the intro that LinkedIn pulled through on the post that I created, but LinkedIn has refused to pull through the new intro!
- There are some links on the blog page that go to blank pages.
- The LinkedIn post isn’t pulling through an image for the page, so it all looks a bit bland.
- I did a last minute set up of Google Analytics, which has broken my blog post editor!
- My mugshot is just about ok – I could do with some better images generally on the site.
There’s probably various other things that I haven’t noticed yet.
However, the blog’s OK. I think the tone’s good (well, my son liked it anyway! And no, don’t ever believe what your friends and family tell you…) It’s done.
I move onto the next imperfect thing!!!
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