First workshop successfully completed today.
It was slightly stressful. I arrived on time, but got the wrong street and had to phone to work out where they were. My tech then didn’t work! I’ve got a laptop bag full of connectors to link my Surface to any type of display. Of course, I’ve changed my Surface and the new one uses a different connector, and so my bagful of stuff is now useless!
I guess it shows that it’s been 3 years since I’ve done an on-site presentation!
Anyway, I’d brought a portable screen just in case, so I got that set up and off we went.
My new client is great! I know them from my previous “life”, so they’re being gentle with me in my new venture! They’re also incredibly excited about getting some new marketing going. I think this comes from them being very passionate about what they do, and their excitement is about getting the word out there…
I ran through my obligatory slides. Only 8 of them; I thought it worth going through how I think online lead generation works and what we’ll be doing. It also gave me a chance to show them what their competitors are doing online, and some of the issues with their current website (which is great, but definitely needs some things tweaking)
We then took to the whiteboard.
This was great. Whiteboarding with clients is one of my favourite things – going with the flow, drawing out what’s in their minds and trying to put it all into some sort of order.
The upshot was a heap of information about what they love doing, who their ideal client is, how they help clients become stronger businesses. Perfect for building into a strong, focussed digital marketing campaign to generate the type of leads that they want.
We had a chat at the end about how my “payment by results” is going to work. I think this may be tricky – unpicking leads that I’ve specifically generated from leads that would come through anyway. This is high on my list of issues – I really want to do payment by results, but I need to work out a bulletproof way to measure this.
However – it’s so good to be back!!!